

Jürgen Schneider


16 November 2023


This is a workshop on open and FAIR data.


If you like the workshop…

For that…

  1. Fork the github repo this Quarto book is based on
  2. Go to settings of your new repo and go to the “pages” section. Then set the “Branch” option to gh-pages (leave the dropdown to the right of this at /root)
  3. Wait a minute to let the website get deployed. You can check on the status in the “Actions” tab of your repo.
  4. Back on the main repo site, click on “About” (top right). In the URL of the website, change “j-5chneider” to your username “[your github username]” (you might need to activate GitHub Pages for that, by creating a GitHub Pages repo)
  5. open your new webpage by clicking on that link in the “About” section

So you get noticed if I update something on the github repo.

And I get that sweet sweet dopamine. Hmm dopamine.